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Black Jack Page 2
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The skinny jeans she wore with a blue tank top were dressy enough for the casino, but she was happy to see Jack heading into Light It Up. This was a bar on the ground floor of the casino with its main access across the massive lobby. She followed him inside and took a seat beside him at the bar, thinking to surprise him.
But he surprised her instead. He leaned over and whispered, “You look nice in clothes, though I prefer you out of them, kitten.”
His words warmed her. He’d called her kitten twice before; and although a part of her wanted to deny it, she actually found it endearing.
“Why do you call me kitten?” she wondered. She caught the eye of the bartender.
Jack laughed. “You know how some people are dog people? Well, I never was. I like cats. When I met you, I just thought ‘kitten’ in my head. I don’t know. I guess ‘cause you’re so little, but I see a fierceness in you, too. All playful and sweet, but a hint of claws.” He knew that was not the greatest explanation but was shooting for honesty. Her smile seemed to indicate she liked his answer.
“Thank you, I think.” The bartender came over and Jackson ordered a beer and offered her a drink. She chose a bay breeze.
“You do look lovely tonight, Dawn. But can I ask you why you followed me in here?” After they chatted over breakfast and he’d realized she was Dawn Sassacus, he’d vowed to himself to stay away. But he hadn’t been able to forget the tender woman he held all night, whom he’d made love to, and who had responded to his every need, every direction, without question. He hadn’t been with a woman in over a year, since Heather and he had split when she transferred to the Nevada office. But this sweet girl had charmed him. He knew now was not the time to get involved with her. He was about to score big, and getting a girl, this girl involved, was too risky. If only. . .he thought. The bartender bringing him the beer he ordered just as Dawn began to answer his question broke him out of his momentary lapse of nostalgia.
She shrugged her dainty shoulders. A lock of her black hair tumbled forward. He itched to snatch it up and feel its silkiness.
“I don’t know. I had fun with you. I thought. . .” Dawn didn’t know how to finish that sentence. She’d had fun. She felt a connection. Hell, she didn’t want to sound lame or scare him off.
“I had fun, too,” he stated and took a much needed, long cold swig of his beer. It didn’t help. The girl was looking at him with those lovely doe-like brown eyes, and all he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss her. He watched as she took a sip of her drink from the straw. Her lips were something. Knowing it was wrong and the timing was even worse, he spoke from the heart. “I must say it’s nice to see you again, and I’ll be honest and let you know I’ve been thinking about you a lot these past few days.”
Dawn found his honesty refreshing and knew she was blushing. She could feel her heart beating in her chest and wondered if he could hear it. The heat on her cheeks made them prickle. Guys her age were all about pick-up lines, and this man was not being typical. His hand reached up to stroke her cheek, and instinct had her leaning into it. He was gentle, yet strong. He was massive, and from what she remembered about his muscular body, he must work out every day with weights and could easily be mistaken for an athlete or bodybuilder. He was double her size, yet they fit. Strange.
She picked up the drink the bartender had given her and took another sip of her fruity concoction before responding. She decided to be honest with him as well. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you, too. When I saw you in the high-roller room again tonight as I finished my shift, I went to change quickly, hoping I could catch you before you left.”
“Really?” He quirked one dark eyebrow. His face was like chiseled stone and that look sent shivers down her spine. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you first and I was looking. Hoping.” That little admission cost nothing.
The shiver turned into a coil of heat. “You were looking? For me?”
That question, and the way she asked it, had him wanting to sweep her off her feet, carry her upstairs to his room, and make love to her all over again. He just might, he thought, though he shouldn’t. “Yes. I was in last night.” Again, she blushed and looked down.
“I’m an accountant here at the hotel and no longer just a dealer. So, you won’t find me in the casino often. Maybe you’d like my number?” she offered, being braver than she felt. Trying to hide shaking fingers, she pulled her phone from her back pocket.
“I’d like that, Dawn.” His smile was genuine. She handed him her phone and watched as he typed in his number, saved it as Jack B, and then dialed himself so he had hers. “I’ll save your number later,” he told her as he swiped to end the call he was receiving from her on his phone.
Feeling suddenly nervous, Dawn started to ramble. “I do cover a shift from time to time. I like the crowds and the atmosphere of the casino.” She had to admit to herself she enjoyed conversing with him. He was easy to talk to and he listened.
“Ah! That explains why I didn’t see you last night. Well, I’m sure glad I ran into you tonight. I more than enjoyed your company the other night. I look forward to having it, er, you again,” he teased, but meant every word. He had her number now, knew who she was, and as soon as this business was done at the casino, the thought of pursuing the little kitten hit him hard. He liked her. A lot more than he wanted to admit. In a few months’ time, he could call her.
Her mouth went suddenly dry at the innuendo implicit in his statement, and she was grateful for the cold drink in front of her. Finding her voice again, she spoke. “I enjoyed myself, too, and although you aren’t my usual type, when I saw you. . .,” She paused, searching for the right words but nothing came to her. He was smiling wickedly at her, giving her the rope to hang herself. The dimple in his cheek jumped as he silently laughed to himself. She had never been very good at this flirting thing. “I don’t know; I just thought, why not. He’s handsome. He finds me attractive. Just go for it.” She shrugged her shoulders and gave him a coy smile.
“Why not, indeed.” He rolled the words and thoughts around in his head. Her cheeks were pink again, and he resisted the urge to touch her. It was so damn hard. He’d done a little more digging on dealer Dawn after their breakfast together. He’d been shocked when she’d mentioned her last name, knowing she must be related to both the CEO and founder of Mystic Nights casino. Though he had regretted the rash decision to take her to bed, it had been incredibly worth it. He had not lied to her when he told her he had been thinking about her all week. But his thoughts were about how to stay away from her while working the casino. He didn’t want her getting in the way of what he was doing there. It might also be dangerous.
It was just too risky to get involved with someone at this time, and especially at this casino. He just had been invited to join a group of the high rollers in some of their smaller private games. He’d finally gotten entrance into the Santorini gang that controlled a lot of the gambling, prostitution, and drugs in this part of the state. It had taken him two months to get noticed by them, and he knew he was being watched. Dawn had been just a distraction that night. A pleasurable one. He’d been celibate too long, over a year, and after months undercover, he’d thought to treat himself. But, a distraction right now could prove fatal.
Yet, there was just something about Dawn that made it seem worth the risk that night. She was lovely, gorgeous. Kind and sweet. Those blushes really turned him on. She was his exact type. Petite, yet curvy, beautiful dark brown hair that fell past her shoulders. She’d been responsive in bed, a wild kitten with claws. The more he thought about her, he knew she was the kind of woman a guy like him needed. Someone to look forward to coming home to each night.
Whoa, he had to put a rein on those thoughts, but her comment had him wondering just what kind of man Dawn was looking for. Because, like hell, did he want it to be someone other than him. “Can I ask you why I’m not your usual type, kitten? I thought we worked quite well together.”
Dawn thought about her
answer before speaking. She didn’t want to tell him he was too old because he really wasn’t. She didn’t want to tell him that he was more mature. He could take that the wrong way. And she didn’t want to tell him she had been bored with her usual type, although that was partially true; he wasn’t the type of guy she should pursue, but she also didn’t want to scare him off tonight. And the last thing she wanted to tell him was that she was feeling sorry for herself because her newly engaged sister had gone away with her fiancé for a month. God, she was so pathetic. She decided to stick with a safe answer. “It’s not that you’re not my type, or that I don’t find you incredibly attractive; it’s just that when you work in the casino, it’s not the best idea to get involved with a professional gambler.”
Jack smiled and guzzled the rest of his bottle of beer. “Yet, you’re here.”
She pushed her drink back. “Yet, I am,” Dawn confirmed.
His smile made the dimples deepen. “I’m glad.” She might not think he was her type, but something deep down in Jack told him he didn’t want her looking elsewhere anymore. Someday, he’d make her believe he was the perfect guy for her. Regrettably, it had to be in the distant future.
Again, that frisson of heat between them curled outward from the center of her being. She was glad she was there. Glad he was glad. “Good.”
The moment was poignant. And Dawn once again found herself speechless as Jack seared her with his stormy grey eyes. Every nerve ending felt alive under his gaze as he pushed his now empty bottle away. She was about to suggest they go upstairs. She didn’t know if he had a room here or not this week, and something inside of her was reluctant to take him to her suite, and reveal she was the daughter of the hotel and casino founder.
That sometimes frightened prospects away. She wanted Jack to be a prospect and that thought stilled her from inviting him up to her room.
“Gambling is exciting, Dawn. I enjoy it, and I’m good at it, but it’s not what I pictured my life to be.” Jack couldn’t believe he was talking so openly to this slip of a girl. Correction. Woman. He couldn’t blow his cover but wanted her to know there was more to him than what she was seeing. He sensed where the night was headed. Knew he wouldn’t be able to resist her if she offered. So, if he was going down that road again tonight, and it looked very much like it was going there, he wanted to give her a little bit of the truth. A little bit of the real him. He hated starting something with her that was a lie. A kernel of truth would have to suffice. It was not much, but it was all he could give for now.
“That’s what I’ve heard,” came her reply. He knew she was thinking about more than his career choice. Their connection was unbelievable. He felt it. He knew she did, too.
“But not as exciting as the thought of having you in my bed again?” Her smile was bright, her brown eyes sparkled, and her lips parted just before she bit that bottom lip. Like plump cherries. He stifled the groan that threatened.
“I was hoping you’d say something like that.”
He let it out. “Come, kitten,” he growled as he slid from his seat and took ahold of her elbow, drawing her closer. She went willingly. Just like last time, he peered over his shoulder to make sure they didn’t have an audience. All was clear. He dropped a twenty on the bar to pay for their drinks, and then steered Dawn out of the bar and into the brighter lobby. He tucked her under his arm as they headed to his room; he was relieved when they had the elevator all to themselves.
Dawn was glad the small talk was over. Jackson was definitely proving to be an addicting pastime. One she was more than happy to succumb to once again, though deep down her heart was telling her she was going too far with this man, and that her feelings were already on the line. “You’ve got a room here again?” she asked. Though he seemed all wrong for her, her body was letting her know he was all kinds of right.
“Yes, actually a suite. I’ve been rather lucky.” Jack gazed down upon the beautiful woman on his arm. He’d been anxious to get her through the lobby and into the elevator without too many eyes upon them. The men he had been playing with were long gone after they made the final arrangements for a mid-week game that was to be played in a secret location along the pier. It would be his first official game, and he was looking forward to it immensely.
He hoped his luck continued, but for tonight, he could focus on the sexy little ticket on his arm. He just hoped no other eyes were on them as they made their escape. His suite was on a secure floor, so he knew they could not be followed there. As long as they didn’t run into any of her family, they’d be in the clear.
“That’s nice.” Dawn nervously made small talk as she watched him hit the button for the fourteenth floor. Her room was on this floor. She wasn’t worried about running into anyone. Her brothers spent most nights at their respective homes. Her sister was out of town. Her mother might be here, but it was late enough that she’d already be in her own suite. She might run into a guest, but she wasn’t worried that it might be someone she knew well enough to reveal her tryst with the handsome gambler. She’d know if someone close to her family was in town.
Jack briskly led the dainty angel to his room. He was glad it was close to the elevator. He couldn’t believe how much he craved this woman. It had been a long time since he had the pleasure of having a woman in his bed more than once, and he was going to make the most of it. Dawn was a rare gem of a woman, one he wanted to hang on to. Have a possible future with. He’d figure out the particulars of that later and pushed the thoughts of his current investigation to the back of his mind.
As soon as the door closed, his hands were on her, pushing her against the wall. He held her face as he kissed her, making her want more. Jack closed his mouth over hers, and with his tongue he sought entrance and sighed when she let him in. He tangled his tongue with hers until they were both breathless. Leaning against her, forehead to forehead, he whispered, “Dawn, you are so beautiful, so precious. My life is complicated right now, but someday, somehow, I want you to know that this means something to me.” Where the words came from or even why he spoke them he didn’t know. They just came. Deep down he felt like a jerk taking advantage of her, although she was adult enough to know what she was doing. She was becoming someone very special, and he hated that he’d have to properly court her another time, make up for the lies of omission.
“I don’t understand. . .” Dawn started before he interrupted her.
“So special,” he murmured before taking control of her and kissing her senseless once more.
Dawn gave in to the pleasure, instinctively knowing that this man was going to rock her world, and she was going to enjoy it while giving as much as she got in return. She also knew that soon her heart would be on the line. It was the way he treated her and handled her.
Jack turned toward the bed, and she followed him when he let go of her hand. As she did so, she pulled her blouse over her head, and then turned to face him.
She wore a simple white demi bra underneath. The light from the lamp beside the bed glowed upon her smooth skin, and he sucked in his breath at the sight of her and watched her remove the scrap of silk from her body. He liked the trail of stars she had tattooed on her midriff. He’d have to ask her about that sometime. To him, she was perfection.
His reaction thrilled her. But she waited for him to make the next move, and he obliged by pulling out of his button-down shirt and dropping it on the floor beside hers.
She scanned his torso and watched as his muscles rippled under her perusal. Their first time together had been rushed. She wanted tonight to be slow, to take it all in. All of him. Kicking off her heels, she reached for the fastener of her jeans, unsnapped and unzipped them, then slid them down her slender hips, and stepped out of them. Her matching white panties followed suit.
Jack sucked in his breath. Her body was perfect. Skin almost golden in the lamplight. He kicked off his shoes, and then made quick work of his socks and pants. They lay in a pile at his feet.
He allowed Dawn a momen
t longer to admire his body, appreciating her hungry eyes on him. But he needed to possess her soon. Body and soul. She was incredible. He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to feel her, skin on skin. She was mere inches away, and he reached for a tendril of her ebony hair, picked it up and put it behind her so his eyes could feast on her pert breasts. They were perfect. Knowing what he needed, intuitively, she reached up with her arms and wrapped them around him. Connecting them from head to toe. Bodies touching and melding together. They were one. He pulled her closer, and by instinct she jumped and wrapped her legs around him. He felt her heat yet resisted the pull to do more. He wanted to savor each moment with her.
When she was ready, she tilted her head giving him permission, and he went in for the next kiss. It was sweet, yet full of desire and passion. Unlike anything he had felt for a woman before. Both of them were lost in it, not wanting it to end. Ever.
“Jack, I want you to make love to me tonight. I want this night to be more than just sex,” she whispered against his neck when the kiss finally ended. She was still in his arms, cradled in his embrace with his hands cupping her bottom, and it just felt right. He hadn’t expected those words from her lips, but his need to make her happy, make her feel that this was more to him, too, was just as great. The proof was right there in his erection firmly pressed up between them.
“Dawn, it’s a lot more than just sex with you. Know that.”
“Kiss me, Jack,” she whispered, nuzzling the side of his face. “Make me believe it.” Her past uncertainties crept through her.
His kitten was insecure, and he couldn’t blame her. She was giving him all of her. Showing him who she was, and he felt like a cad for risking what they could be, keeping his job from her, but this was not the time for confessions. He could show her how he would love a woman like her if she gave herself to him completely. Her soft pants against his face as he nipped her ear lobe urged him on. He feathered a light kiss on her neck, then cheek until his lips pressed to hers, and he kissed her for all he was worth. He kept kissing her, as she shuddered and quaked in his arms.