Black Jack Page 5
“Hi, Dawn.” He stooped down and pressed a light kiss to her cheek. “You look nice today. I rented a car, hoping we could take a ride, talk, and have lunch somewhere other than the casino.”
“That sounds nice.” Good, she thought. He was thinking along the same lines as she.
“Why did you rent a car?” she asked as he took her elbow and led her from the lobby. “Are you not from Connecticut?” There she did it. Asked her first question.
“Actually, I am. I live in Hartford.” Just forty-five minutes away, Dawn thought, pleased. “But my cousin borrowed it. She lives in the city, too, and doesn’t have one. Her son had a birthday party to go to, and it was being held out of town, so she needed to use it while I was away last week. I didn’t think I’d need it today, so. . .” His voice trailed off. He had a cousin and second cousin in the capital.
“Oh, okay. So, you have family? You haven’t mentioned them before.”
He sighed as he weaved her through the crowded lobby. “I know. And I’m sorry about that.” They stepped into the crisp sunshine. “Alyssa is my only relative. Our parents were killed in a car crash when we were in college. We were both at UConn. I was a senior, and she was a freshman. She’s like a little sister to me, and her son is more like a nephew. He calls me Uncle Jack.”
Jack felt good telling Dawn about himself. He would tell her as much as he could without blowing his cover. He liked her. A lot. Wanted this to work. He just had to make sure she was safe. Last night when he spotted her in the elevator while he’d been working had been a close call. He’d been relieved when she hadn’t confronted him; at the same time, it bothered him. He’d decided then and there that he’d tell her as much as he could. He didn’t want what they could have together to be based on a lie. And he didn’t want any more close calls like the one last night. Her confronting him could have ruined everything.
The moment they walked out into the brisk air, he mentioned it. “I had a lousy evening last night. I wished I had been spending it with you, and seeing you in that elevator tucked away in the corner really bothered me.”
“You saw me?” she gasped. She looked into his eyes and saw him clearly struggling with something.
He nodded, but instead of explaining further he indicated a vehicle up ahead. “That’s mine. I rented the grey Ranger.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” She was confused.
“Why didn’t you?” he asked, wanting to know her answer. She stopped before the passenger door of the Jeep. He held the handle but didn’t open it for her just yet. He wanted that answer.
She turned to him. “Last week, I ran scared. It was cowardly of me. I’ve been hurt before by guys I fell for. And I realized that night how much I could care for you, yet I knew so little about you. Seeing you with those women and that man bothered me. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. I figured I’d ask you about it today.”
“Fair enough, and it’s kind of what I was figuring.” He lifted his hand to take a lock of hair that blew in her face and softly tucked it behind her ear. “I’m feeling it, too. And I know I haven’t revealed much about myself, but I’m hoping this date will do that.”
“I hope so,” she whispered softly, staring up into his grey eyes, eyes she could lose herself in. Yet, she was still scared of what this mysterious man might tell her.
“I do, too, kitten.” Jack smiled broadly upon this gorgeous woman. Her tentative smile gave him hope that he’d finally found a woman he could cherish forever. He, too, had a life of hurt. After losing his parents, he didn’t think he could love someone the way they had loved each other. It would hurt too much to lose someone you loved that way, but she was worth the risk. Deep down he knew it. However, he still hadn’t figured out how he could explain what he did for a living. He had been up half the night thinking about how he’d tell her.
He opened the door to the rented Jeep and watched as she got in. He helped her to buckle up, and she took the kiss he gave her.
Running to his side of the car, Jack climbed in. Though he was still not sure what he would say, he was more hopeful than he’d been in a long time.
Lunch went well. Extremely well, and Dawn was nearly giddy as Jack dropped her off at her mother’s house. He’d asked to see her that night. Maybe go to one of the other casinos and teach her to gamble from the other side of the table. He’d been teasing her, of course. He’d talked a lot about his cousin and her son. The death of their parents. His military background as a former Navy SEAL. He’d also told her he did security work from time to time, freelancing, but it paid the bills. He hoped she understood those jobs were top secret, and he wasn’t allowed to talk about them or about the people who hired him and what kind of investigative work he did. As far as the world knew, he was a gambler who’d inherited wealth. Although exciting, she’d understood his need to stay low-key, but why he chose a gambler as his cover still confused her.
She’d hated turning him down but promised her friends she’d join them for a night out before the holidays. A shadow had crossed his face, and he’d asked if it would be okay to join her to meet her friends. So, she’d accepted. His wanting to meet her friends was surely a good sign. They’d meet in the lobby once more at ten PM.
“You look lovely, tonight,” he said, eyeing her sequined, festive red cocktail dress. The red was the color of cherries. She looked fantastic in it. He hated the way other men glanced her way. He wanted nothing more than for the world to know she was his, but that was too soon. Then there was the stupid timing.
“Thank you.” She accepted the tender kiss on the cheek he gave her. She liked how affectionate he was, yet he wasn’t overtly grabby or sexual like the guys she’d dated before. A real gentleman.
“I know you’re hanging out with your friends tonight, so just say the word and I’ll skedaddle. I had originally considered going to Foxwoods tonight to win back some of my losses, but I feel fortunate just getting to spend time with you.” His words were cheesy, but they warmed her anyway.
“I feel lucky, too.” she said as he steered her into the elevator, and she meant it.
“I definitely feel lucky.” His tone dropped an octave as he pulled her close to him in the crowded elevator. His words seemed innocent enough, but the look on his face suggested he had other thoughts on his mind. She almost regretted the promise to hang out with Gabby and Melissa.
“Oh, you don’t make this easy. I’m sorry, not tonight, Jackson. I promised my friends a fun night out.”
“I can be fun. You just haven’t seen that side of me yet.”
“Oh, I have no doubt.” There was a twinkle in her eye.
“It’s okay. I just feel badly I won’t see you over the holidays. I’ve got a tournament in Vegas; I fly out tomorrow, and then have plans with my cousin for New Year’s.”
He’d told her about that over lunch earlier. He’d be gone a whole week and a half. “It’s okay. I understand.” She kept her voice bright. She didn’t want him to think her clingy.
“Well, I’ll just be content with you letting me come up and buy you ladies a round of drinks before I head to bed. Alone.” He pouted and then chuckled when she burst out laughing at his expression.
“Definitely alone tonight, buddy. But I’m sure if you didn’t want to be, the redhead or the brunette I saw you with would’ve happily accompanied you.” She was teasing, but he also sensed an ounce of insecurity and understood why. He wanted to ease her fears.
“I’m glad you think so much of me. But I assure you, I’m a one-woman man, and I only want this kitten in my bed for the foreseeable future. And you, my dear, have been the only woman on my mind for over a month.”
The words had been whispered in her ear. Just for her. A promise of security and a future. A frisson of heat coiled in Dawn’s stomach. When he spoke the words, he made her imagine exactly what was on his mind.
When they reached the top and got out of the elevator,
Dawn made her way around the line waiting for entry to the club. Jackson merely followed her. Not having to wait in line to pay the cover charge was one of the perks of the job. Not that she needed to because all of the employees knew her, but she fished out her badge and showed her identification to the doorman. She did it more so for the people in line who might become disgruntled that they had to wait while she was simply allowed entry. The doorman admitted both her and Jackson when she nodded her head letting him know that he was with her.
Jack followed Dawn as she weaved her way through the night club. He saw her wave at two other young women sitting at the bar. He could not keep his gaze from wandering down to her sweet little ass. It was perfect. Round and firm and shapely despite her short stature. He couldn’t wait to see it again. The girl was amazing. He hadn’t been too creative with her yet, but that ass sure made him want to.
“Sorry, girls, I have a party crasher,” Dawn stated as way of introduction. She knew her friends had wanted a girls’ night, but they would understand. Melissa, apparently, had already spotted them together.
Jack pasted the brightest smile on his face to greet Dawn’s friends. Both of the girls were pretty in their own way, and both were giving him the full once over. Checking him out and making sure he was good enough for their friend. Dawn continued the introduction. “This is Jackson Black. He’s a professional gambler by trade, a friend, and he insisted on following me up in the elevator to buy us a drink.” She didn’t know if she should introduce him as her boyfriend or not. So, she just left their status out of it.
Her tone suggested that they had nothing to fear from him, but her friend Gabby asked anyway. Her tone was light and teasing, “Should we call for Tom?”
Jack knew the Tom they were referring to was head of security at the casino but did not let on. He’d just started dating Dawn, and he wasn’t supposed to know this much about her and her family. “I’m gentle. I promise. Unless I’m asked not to be gentle, then. . .” Dawn stopped him from finishing his statement by swatting him on the arm, but both Gabby and Melissa laughed.
Melissa added, “Well, since he’s buying the first round, I’ll have a sangria margarita. Frozen.”
Gabby nodded. “Oh, yum. Me, too.”
“Might as well make it three,” Dawn interjected, as Jackson called over the bartender. The girls pushed aside and made room for him in between them, leaving Dawn to stand behind him. Both girls gave her accusatory glances, and she knew there would be plenty of questions later. Dawn just shrugged and smiled.
Once the drinks arrived, the girls were already hooked. Jackson was telling them a story about how he discovered a guy’s tell in Vegas and won his first big tournament. He’d noticed when the guy had a great hand he would shift slightly in his seat and then pat himself on the crotch. The girls found it funny. Dawn liked that he just seemed to fit in with her and her friends and that he was sociable. It gave her hope that someday he would fit in with her family, too. She stopped those thoughts. She was getting way ahead of herself as usual.
When Melissa told the girls she wanted to dance, Dawn was surprised that Jackson followed them onto the dance floor. And even more surprised by how good he was. It was an up-tempo song, and he moved to the rhythm perfectly. Despite being nine years older, he moved effortlessly and was at ease with her and her friends. And even more disconcerting was that she felt comfortable with him and them. She knew she was falling for him hard. She didn’t know if she could make it work with a gambler. A gambler and a dealer just didn’t mix, did they? Then there was his secret security work that had him slipping away suddenly and being gone for long periods of time. He’d told her that at lunch. Was that something she could live with? His disappearing for a week or more? She’d listened to what he’d said, but she still did not know what to think of it all. She wanted to be with him; her heart told her that. But her mind was telling her other things. She didn’t know if she could handle a romance with such an enigma. But for now, she was going to throw caution to the wind and enjoy it.
When the dance transitioned to a slow song, Dawn hadn’t even noticed her friends had left her and Jackson alone on the dance floor. She went into his arms effortlessly and let him lead her. Her feelings and emotions threatened to engulf her, but her heart kept telling her to enjoy the moment. Take a chance and hold on.
Dawn rested her head on his shoulder and listened to the rhythm of his heart while he held her, and they swayed in time to the ballad. She felt his arms around her, and nothing had ever felt so right. He softly stroked her back with one hand as his other gripped hers. She never wanted the moment to end. When he whispered in her ear, the words warmed yet shocked her. “I’m falling for you, kitten. I want you to know that.” Her heart filled with joy because she was feeling the same way.
She felt badly, but she needed to be with this man tonight. She glanced toward her friends and saw them watching her. Saw their smiles. She hoped her friends would forgive her. She reached up on tiptoes and offered Jack her mouth, and he kissed her while they danced. It was a poignant moment she would never forget. “I’m falling, too, Jack,” she admitted.
“God, I wish. . .” he started.
But she interrupted. “I have a suite here. My mother runs the place. Come to my room with me, Jack.”
He nodded and didn’t act too surprised. He simply arched one eyebrow and asked, “What about your friends?”
“They’ll understand.” She knew they would.
Dawn allowed Jack entrance to her suite. As she had guessed, her friends hadn’t minded. When she turned to Jack, he silently reached for her hand and tugged it gently, leading her through her suite and straight to her king-sized bed. Dropping her hand, she watched as he flicked the switch illuminating the lamp beside her bed in the darkened room. The soft glow of the lamplight surrounded them as he turned to face her.
When Jack began to get undressed, she followed his example. No words were needed. Jack finished before her, so he pulled off the duvet and climbed into the center of the bed as he watched the beautiful creature before him finish removing her lacy lingerie. Her body was incredible. Lean, yet curvy. Soft planes and angles made for loving. When she crawled in beside him, he started with a caress to her cheek and then a kiss. He kissed her over and over, gentle kisses that spoke of her beauty. He kissed her until she was purring like a kitten, and touched her bronze skin, softly loving the feel of her satiny smoothness. When her hands began to roam his body, he groaned inwardly. The feel of her little hands on his ribs, his stomach, his chest had him wanting to possess her immediately, but he was willing to take his time or so he thought. He felt her hand glide down to his rock-hard cock and groaned in delight at her boldness. She was as ready as he was. He reached over for the condom he had slipped from his pocket and put on her nightstand and handed it to her, letting her help. Watching her sheath him, rolling the condom down onto him while she bit her bottom lip, had him jerking to attention. And just as he was about to reach for her to claim the prize he desired, she shocked him by rolling onto him and straddling him with her tiny body. He let her know how that pleased him by reaching up to fondle her breasts and to tease the rosy peaks.
When his fingers reached her nipples, Dawn threw her head back at the pleasure of his rough hands on her sensitive flesh. She had felt a moment of insecurity when she’d decided to take the lead in their lovemaking, but his little reactions were letting her know she was doing everything right to please him. And she wanted to do just that. She was also grateful Jack wasn’t rushing her. He allowed her to take it slow and explore his body. In this new position for them, she felt his cock pressed between them, saw his expression, his grey eyes filled with lust, but most of all, his restraint. This man was incredible. She took ahold of his face and brought hers down to meet him, and this time she claimed his mouth and led the kiss. She liked the control he was giving her. It made her feel bolder, empowered.
He loved that her kiss was tender at first, then fi
erce and demanding. He gave her what she needed while hoping he could sink into her flesh soon. He wanted to see what she would do with the control. But the feel of her breasts against him, and her hot center right above his aching cock had him wanting her to hurry.
Dawn felt Jack’s cock pressing at her entrance. She wanted him inside her soon. Pushing herself away from him and breaking the kiss, she made sure to scrape her rock-hard nipples along his chest so he knew she was just as excited as he.
When she raised herself above him and sank onto his throbbing erection, he hissed out his pleasure. Her sweet heat fit him like a glove. Jack stroked her back waiting patiently for her to move, and when she finally did, it was heaven. He let her set the pace and enjoyed watching her move above him. The expression of pleasure on her face had him wanting her to go faster, but he wanted her to have the control.
Dawn took her time at first, but as her need began to build, she made the timeless, ancient rhythm lovers did to bring them both the release they so desperately craved. Feeling Jack’s hands stroke her hips and legs as she rode him urged her on. When his hand slid to her apex and circled around her clit, flicked it to help bring her closer to the edge, she began to move even faster.
When she began to grind against him, Jack knew he was close and needed to help her along, so he encouraged her to sit up and slide along his engorged cock. He felt her juices between them, as she slid up and down.
Dawn felt her orgasm building, and with a quick nod gave him permission to take over.
Jack used one hand to grab ahold of his shaft when it slipped out of her and he rubbed the head, slick and hot and wet on her clit, knowing this would help her find her release with him. He watched as her eyes glazed over with passion and knew she was damn close, so he allowed his cock to slide back into her. He needed to feel her rapture and her sweet heat grip him when she came.
Raising his hips, he slammed into her and then rolled her over so he could do it again and again, making sure to continue to grind against her exposed, needy bundle of nerves. Deeper and deeper, he penetrated her to the core until he felt the walls of her pussy begin to contract and clutch at his cock. Leaning on just one hand as he thrashed in and out, he covered one breast and pinched her nipple hard to add a little pain to the pleasure. He knew that would send her spiraling over the edge and make her orgasm even more intense. He wasn’t disappointed when she screamed his name, “Oh, fuck, Jack. Yes!” she cried out as wave after wave of pleasure overtook her.